Singkatan Penting Dalam Bahasa Inggris (Yang Umum Dipakai)

Singkatan Penting Dalam Bahasa Inggris, important abbreviation, singkatan dan artinya

edukasibahasainggris-Singkatan sangat penting sekali untuk kita hafal, karena berguna sekali dalam penulisan bahasa Inggris guna untuk memperpendek kalimat namun dapat dimengerti oleh pembaca,  selain itu jga dengan singkatan kita dapat mengerti sebuah kata atau kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris, misalnya Indonesia vs Vietnam, Indonesia vs Thailand, etc. 

Baiklah kita langsung saja ke beberapa Important Abbreviations/ singkatan2 penting dalam bahasa Inggris;

1. Titles

  • Mr = Mister (either married or unmarried man)
  • Mrs = Mistress (married woman) 
  • Ms = Miss (either married or unmarried woman)
  • Dr. = Doctor
  • St. = Saint 
  • Jr = Junior
  • Sr = Senior
  • Esq. = Esquire (Yang terhormat)
  • M.D. = Doctor of Medicine
  • H.E. = His Excellency (Paduka Yang Mulia)
  • M.A. = Master of Arts
  • Dip. = Diploma

2. Time

  • A.D. = Anno Domini = in the year of our lord.(sesudah maschi)
  • B.C. = Before Chirst = sebelum masehi
  • a.m. =ante meridiem = before noon = sebelum tengah hari, sebelum jam 12.00
  • p.m. = post meridiem = sesudah tengah hari
  • m = meredics = noon = siang hari 

3. Abbreviation used in writing and note taking 

  • etc. = et cetera = and so forth all the rest - dsb. dan sebagainya
  • i.e = id est = that is = yakni 
  • e.g = exempli gratia = for example = contohnya
  • viz =videlicet = namely = yaitu
  • et al = et allii and others dll. dan lain-lain 
  • cf = confer = compare with = bandingkan dengan
  • P.S. = Post Scriptum = written afterward 
  • et seq = et equens = and what follows= dan seterusnya
  • cs = cum suis with his/her friend = dkk.: dan kawan-kawan
  • N.B. = Nota Bene = note well = perhatian 
  • h.e. = hoc est = this is = inilah
  • vs = versus = againts = lawan
  • ed., eds = editor (s)
  • ed.cit. = edition cited
  • f., ff  = and the following pages or line 
  • front = frontispiece
  • ibid = ibidem in the same place = di tempat yang sama
  • loc.cit. = loco citato in the place cited
  • n.d. = no date given = tak bertanggal
  • n.p. = no publisher given = tak diterbitkan
  • v. =vide= see lihat
  • op.cit. = opere citato in the work cited 
  • q.v. = quod vide = wich you should consult
  • vol. = volume
  • C. = circa = approximately = sekitar/kira-kira
  • P.T.O. = Please Turn Over = lihat sebalik 
  • c/o = care of=d/a (dialamatkan)
  • s.a.w = sallallahu 'alaihi wassallam my allah bless him and give him peace 
  • RSVP = Please reply (on written invitation)
  • RIP = Requiscat in pace = may he/they rest in peace
  • VIP = Very Important Person 
  • Incl = including, inclusive 
  • excl = excluding, exclusive


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